The project aims to ensure access to unbiased and objective information by undertaking three main activities. First, organizing training sessions for journalists, civil society members and public figures about fact-checking, detection and exposure of fake news and their sources. Second, conducting media monitoring of snap parliamentary elections for a balanced and objective media coverage of running political forces. Third, developing educative and user-friendly video-materials to detect fake news and disinformation.
Date of Grant Letter:
Civil Society
Grant Number:
Helsinki Committee of Armenia
Avetik Ishkhanyan
Grant Amount:
The project aims to promote fair and transparent elections of the Yerevan City Council by organizing civic observation and reporting of the voting and votes counting process.
Date of Grant Letter:
Civil Society
Grant Number:
Union of Informed Citizens, NGO
Daniel Ioannisyan
Grant Amount:
The goal of this project is to conduct activities in three directions: a) to monitor and analyze the propaganda and populism in the social and conventional media, conduct fact-checking on the website, hold discussions with media and civil society representatives about disinformation campaigns; b) to conduct research about the collective memory since 1991 until now; and c) to conduct advocacy trips to support the democratization processes in Armenia.
Date of Grant Letter:
Grant Number:
Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor
Arthur Sakunts
Grant Amount:
This project aims to promote and protect the human rights of vulnerable groups in Armenia. To this end, the organization plans to conduct monitoring and litigation to restore the violated rights of vulnerable groups, to improve human rights policies and the mechanisms of protection and of civilian oversight as well as to raise the public awareness on human rights protection and peace-building.
Date of Grant Letter:
Grant Number:
“Factor” Information Center
Arevhat Sahakyan
Grant Amount:
The grant aims to support an independent online media platform to promote freedom of expression, populism and to spread democratic values, human rights and fundamental freedoms as well as the ideas of social justice and rule of law. To this end, the online media platform will sustain diverse public discourse, ensure credible information dissemination and give voice to liberal ideas and alternative opinions.
Date of Grant Letter:
Civil Society
Grant Number:
Transparency International Anticorruption Center
Sona Ayvazyan
Grant Amount:
The project aims to contribute to the formulation and implementation of effective anti-corruption policies in Armenia through promoting transparent and accountable public resource management system and integrity of elections. The project will include the following components: improving the quality of program budgeting in the justice sector, monitoring the voting numbers and supporting operation of a call center during 2018 parliamentary elections, assessing corruption risks in the energy sector, contributing to the development of anti-corruption reform agenda through supporting an anti-corruption expert group.
Date of Grant Letter:
Civil Society
Grant Number:
Asparez, Journalists’ Club, NGO
Levon Barseghyan
Grant Amount:
The grant aims to support the operation of youth-led centers in Armavir, Gavar, Gyumri and Vanadzor, which are spaces for local youth to network with their peers, obtain skills and tools to monitor the local government hearings, decisions and use of public funds, to act as local advocates and suggest youth-driven solutions for local issues.
Date of Grant Letter:2018-12-26Program:Civil SocietyGrant Number:20011Organization:
Grant Amount:$20,000Purpose:The project aims to encourage informed participation in university governance among Yerevan State University students. To this end, it will enhance studentsթ§Չ-Չ§ skills in monitoring university procurement practices and administrative procedures and in formulating recommendations for improvement.
Date of Grant Letter:2018-12-26Program:Civil SocietyGrant Number:20006Organization:
Musical Ensembles of the Union of Blind People of Armenia, Ltd.
Contact:Simon Hovhannisyan
Grant Amount:$2,800Purpose:The project aims to support performance plans of the Musical Ensembles of the Union of the Blind People of Armenia by covering the wages of choir and group members and assisting their integration to social and cultural life.
Date of Grant Letter:2018-12-21Program:Civil SocietyGrant Number:20000Organization:
Youth Avangard, NGO
Contact:Susanna Matinyan
Grant Amount:$9,600Purpose:The project aims to study how the transition to inclusive education system addresses the special learning needs of schoolchildren in Armavir marz. To this end, the project will analyze school finance system, physical accessibility of schools, childrenթ§Չ-Չ§s attendance, pedagogical and psychological support to children with disabilities, will seek feedback from parents and schools regarding the specific needs and challenges encountered during the transition to universal inclusion. Based on the collected data, the project will present recommendations to corresponding authorities on the implementation of inclusive education reform in Armavir marz. The grant is awarded in the framework of թ§Չ-ժPursuing Positive Change through Empowering Civil Societyթ§Չ-Թ project. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the OSF-Armenia, in partnership with the Institute of Public Policy and the Union of Informed Citizens.
Date of Grant Letter:2018-12-24Program:Civil SocietyGrant Number:20003Organization:
Peace Dialogue, NGO
Contact:Edgar Khachatryan
Grant Amount:$8,000Purpose:The project aims to study if the right to be free from torture is protected during the criminal proceedings of the crimes in the armed forces. To this end, it will conduct research of legal documents and alleged cases of torture in the military police stations of the armed forces of Armenia, will prepare a report and inform about the findings to the corresponding authorities and the larger public. The grant is awarded in the framework of թ§Չ-ժPursuing Positive Change through Empowering Civil Societyթ§Չ-Թ project. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the OSF-Armenia, in partnership with the Institute of Public Policy and the Union of Informed Citizens.
Date of Grant Letter:2018-12-20Program:Civil SocietyGrant Number:19998Organization:
Confidence, Health NGO
Contact:Susanna Harutyunyan
Grant Amount:$9,600Purpose:The project aims to explore if the services under free health care policy respect the childթ§Չ-Չ§s թ§Չ-ժright to the highest attainable standard of healthcareթ§Չ-Թ in primary healthcare institutions and schools as established by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. To this end, it will conduct an analysis of legal documents, accessibility and quality of health care services provided in primary healthcare institutions and schools and inform the responsible authorities about the findings.
Date of Grant Letter:2018-12-24Program:Civil SocietyGrant Number:20001Organization:
Legal Analyses and Development Center, NGO
Contact:Anahit Chilingaryan
Grant Amount:$9,600Purpose:The project aims to monitor the application of the international standards of right to a fair trial during the court cases of domestic violence. It will concentrate on the court monitoring of domestic violence cases in Yerevan and Kotayk marzes, prepare a report and inform about the findings to the corresponding authorities and the larger public. The grant is awarded in the framework of թ§Չ-ժPursuing Positive Change through Empowering Civil Societyթ§Չ-Թ project. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the OSF-Armenia, in partnership with the Institute of Public Policy and the Union of Informed Citizens.
Date of Grant Letter:2018-12-21Program:Civil SocietyGrant Number:20004Organization:
Spitak Helsinki Group, NGO
Contact:Ashkhen Babayan
Grant Amount:$9,070Purpose:The project aims to reveal the influence of domestic violence on childrenթ§Չ-Չ§s education and learning. To this end, it plans to conduct monitoring in the schools of Spitak to collect data on cases of domestic violence against children and teachersթ§Չ-Չ§ awareness of the problem. Based on the collected data, the project will advocate for an increased teacher sensitivity towards domestic violence against children. The grant is awarded in the framework of թ§Չ-ժPursuing Positive Change through Empowering Civil Societyթ§Չ-Թ project. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the OSF-Armenia, in partnership with the Institute of Public Policy and the Union of Informed Citizens.
Date of Grant Letter:2018-12-24Program:Civil SocietyGrant Number:20002Organization:
Civil Youth Center, NGO
Contact:Arpine Yeritsyan
Grant Amount:$9,600Purpose:The project aims to study the access to public education in Tavush marz. To this end, it will conduct a monitoring study of the physical, safety and sanitary conditions of schools, educational resources and teachersթ§Չ-Չ§ capacities in target four communities and present their findings to corresponding authorities. The grant is awarded in the framework of թ§Չ-ժPursuing Positive Change through Empowering Civil Societyթ§Չ-Թ project. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the OSF-Armenia, in partnership with the Institute of Public Policy and the Union of Informed Citizens.
Date of Grant Letter:2018-12-21Program:Civil SocietyGrant Number:19999Organization:
Health Policy and Innovation Center, NGO
Contact:Davit Dadalyan
Grant Amount:$9,500Purpose:The project aims to raise the transparency and effective distribution of resources in services under free health care policy. To this end, it plans to conduct a legal analysis to identify the gaps in the legal framework, to monitor the work of respective decision-making committees under the Ministry of Health and conduct advocacy and awareness raising actions based on the collected data. The grant is awarded in the framework of թ§Չ-ժPursuing Positive Change through Empowering Civil Societyթ§Չ-Թ project. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the OSF-Armenia, in partnership with the Institute of Public Policy and the Union of Informed Citizens.
Date of Grant Letter:2018-12-25Program:Civil SocietyGrant Number:20005Organization:
Asparez, Journalists’ Club, NGO
Contact:Levon Barseghyan
Grant Amount:$60,000Purpose:The grant aims to support the operation of youth-led centers in Armavir, Gavar, Gyumri and Vanadzor, which are spaces for local youth to network with their peers, obtain skills and tools to monitor the local government hearings, decisions and use of public funds, to act as local advocates and suggest youth-driven solutions for local issues.
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