The Spokesman .Think Globally, Act Locally


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Absent Genocide?

Ian Barnes with Malise Ruthven, Crossroads of War թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ a Historical

Atlas of the Middle East, The Belknap Press of Harvard University

Press, 224 pages, hardback ISBN 9780674598492, թ‚Թ։25.95

A flamboyant volume indeed, with some hundred pages of brilliant maps

and another hundred of history of wars, instruments of war, devastated

countries and cultures, incessant assassinations of power holders and their

families, mass exterminations, religious intolerance and murderous

conflicts, destruction of temples, villages, towns and cities. In a nutshell,

war tales of the Middle East, all through the last five thousand years թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ an

impressive scholarly achievement for sure. And all because, as one of the

authors explains in the Introduction:

թ§Չ‚-խœThroughout recorded history the Levantine Corridor has seen the movement of

armed forces, as those who controlled this vital strip commanded the whole

Near Eastern region.թ§Չ‚-Չ„§ (p.6)

After reaching the end of the war narratives, and having endured the

macabre tales, I somehow felt the need of an Epilogue, to better understand

the real and moral raison dթ§Չ‚-Չ„§etre of such an awesome endeavour, having in

mind the turbulent world in which we live. I sincerely wanted to know if

the authors, having accomplished their task, do somehow believe or not

that another world is possible. And if positively so, I would have felt

enriched to know how they envisaged the transformation of that possibility

into a probability. In case of a negative stance, then, alas, թ§Չ‚-խœvanity, all is

vanityթ§Չ‚-Չ„§. The distinguished authors of this unique historical atlas left my

queries unanswered.

But then, I remembered a reassuring thought I read in another atlasbook,

which had filled my heart with a distilled joy, and a feeling to share

it with everyone:

թ§Չ‚-խœHomo sapiens has been around for at least 250,000 years. Yet war and military

might have been known only in the last 5,000 թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ 2% at most of our history. War

is neither a part of human nature nor, necessarily, of civilised life.թ§Չ‚-Չ„§

The Gaia Peace Atlas, Editor, Dr Frank Barnaby

Quoted in Alternative World, by Nares Craig. (p. 160)

In one of his impressive volumes, Bertrand Russell diagnosed the malaise

of power, saying:

թ§Չ‚-խœThroughout history, great nations have been led to disaster by unwillingness to

admit that their power had limits.թ§Չ‚-Չ„§

Has Man a Future? (p.45)

Crossroads of War totally reaffirms Russellթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s diagnosis. Regarding both

the tragedy of the Jewish people in the aftermath of World War Two, and

the diaspora of Palestinian refugees, the authors admit that:

թ§Չ‚-խœThe movement of many people to Palestine, and later the State of Israel,

solved some problems for the Jews but, in turn, displaced Palestinian Arabs

became refugees, forced to live in camps in other countries where they were not

assimilated.թ§Չ‚-Չ„§ (p. 178)

An apt juxtaposition, for sure, but I remain shocked not to find mention of

the word թ§Չ‚-խœGenocideթ§Չ‚-Չ„§, when most of the mass and cultural annihilations

mentioned by the authors do cry out to be acknowledged as such. It is

worth remembering the raison dթ§Չ‚-Չ„§թƒԹ՝tre of Raphael Lemkinթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s coinage of the

word Genocide (see Spokesman 93). Lemkin was adamant in saying that

Genocide թ§Չ‚-խœhappened so many timesթ§Չ‚-Չ„§. Curiously enough, թ§Չ‚-խœHolocaustթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ is

mentioned once, only to label the Jewish survivors, those who dared

survive the magnum crime.

102 Think Globally, Act Locally

Itթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s worth pointing out that the word Holocaust was used during the

massacres of the Armenians in the 1890s to underline the religious aspect

of the tragedy թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ Christian Armenians massacred by Moslem Turks and

Kurds թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ as a large mass of Armenians were burnt alive in the Urfa

Cathedral in 1895. Hence the word թ§Չ‚-խœHolocaustթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ was used by the noted

missionary, Corin Shattuck, to visualise and characterise this horrible


Etymologically, Holocaust = թ§Չ‚-խœWhole-Burntթ§Չ‚-Չ„§, and is intrinsically linked

with the act of sacrifice թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ a sacrificial offering which is completely

consumed by fire, whereby cleansing from sins and, ultimately,

purification is expected to be attained, functioning as an atonement, or

indeed: թ§Չ‚-խœan offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORDթ§Չ‚-Չ„§. (The

Holy Bible, authorised King James Version, Leviticus, 1:17)

Does genocide թ§Չ‚-խœtaketh away the sinsթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ of the murdered community,

whether massacred, gassed or burnt? Or does it, perhaps, cleanse the sins

of the murderers for the bliss of purification? God forbid. With all respect

to all concerned, it must be said that Holocaust is an erroneous and

misleading coinage of the reality it is hoped to illustrate and define.

Nazis committed the ultimate crime against humanity, rightly expressed

with Lemkinթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s more precise, politically pristine and religiously unbiased

word թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ Genocide.

Perhaps the neglect of the term Genocide in Barnes & Ruthvenթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s book

is a subtle way of refuting Lemkinթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s superb trove, especially when the

distinguished linguist was adamant to remind us all that in the 20th century

Genocide happened թ§Չ‚-խœFirst to the Armenians, then after the Armenians, took

actionթ§Չ‚-Չ„§. (History of the Genocide, by V. Dadrian, p. 350)

The Glossary on p.218 of the Crossroads of War defines թ§Չ‚-խœHolocaustթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ as:

թ§Չ‚-խœSystematic mass murder or genocide of some 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany

and its allies.թ§Չ‚-Չ„§

Obviously, the authors have cleansed the word Holocaust of all its original,

religious attributes. When referring to the mass movements of refugees of

the Middle East, it is negligent of historical data not to mention the

survivors of the Genocide of the Armenians, who were uprooted from their

ancestral homelands in Anatolia, as a result of the meticulously planned

magnum crime executed by the proto-Nazi government of the Young

Turks. Hence, starting in 1915, hundreds of thousands of Genocide

survivors became the first Diaspora of Armenians in the Middle East.

This year, 2015, is the 100th commemorative year of that Genocide of

the Armenians. Let us hope the authors of this formidable atlas will not be

Reviews 103

charmed by the zealots of the camp who blindly refuse to acknowledge the

veracity of that historical truth.

In the last paragraph of the Introduction to Crossroads of War, Malise

Ruthven draws a parallel between the Frankish Crusaders, also named as

Outremer (from the French թ§Չ‚-խœoutre merթ§Չ‚-Չ„§), and the թ§Չ‚-խœnew group of settlersթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ

meaning the Jewish ones թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ թ§Չ‚-խœwhose project for an occidental state in the

Levant carries numerous echoes of Outremerթ§Չ‚-Չ„§ (p. 13). She concludes:

թ§Չ‚-խœToday a new Outremer remains, all-powerful, like its medieval predecessors.

But there is no guarantee that in an increasingly hostile environment it can

maintain this pre-eminence indefinitely.թ§Չ‚-Չ„§ (p. 13)

Todayթ§Չ‚-Չ„§s Outremer resides not in the Levant, but beyond the oceans թ§Չ‚-Չ€œ an

Outre-mer indeed.

Khatchatur I. Pilikian

104 Think Globally, Act Locally

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